Since ancient times, walnuts have been a storehouse of useful components and a champion among natural remedies for maintaining human health.
In most cases, men do not want to notice or recognize the first signs of an impending problem with potency. But the inexorable passage of time only emphasizes the impending difficulties more and more, so you need to find a way that is guaranteed and will quickly help to solve this unpleasant problem. Of course, modern pharmacology offers a large number of different effective means of increasing potency, but tasty and healthy natural nuts can improve the situation.
hard nuts
The energetic and nutritional value of any dried fruit is invaluable and great. Nutritionists argue that if there is no more food left on Earth, except for the fruits of walnuts and bushes, eating them alone, a person will be able to get all the proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for health, natural mineral oils, vitamins. , microelements, starch and many other useful components.
The composition of all nuts has approximately the same list of components, therefore all its types have a stimulating effect on men. In particular:
- The unique proteins included in the nuts are known amino acids: cystine, arginine, alanine. During its assimilation into the body of a man, hormones are synthesized that are responsible for erection, ejaculation, sperm quality and orgasm;
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids, entering the digestive tract, contribute to the regular production of steroid sex hormones. Thanks to them, many of the processes that occur in the male body and that are responsible for the sexual component work better and more stable;
- an impressive list of vitamins and microelements that make up the fruit improve the quality of metabolic processes in the body and participate in the metabolic reactions of a man, including the genital zone;
- Natural antioxidant selenium, zinc compounds, iron and sulfur contribute to the synthesis of testosterone. Zinc, which is the main material for the production of testosterone, is especially important for maintaining potency;
- potassium and magnesium help the work of the heart, and good cardiac activity is the key to successful sexual intercourse;
- Vitamins of groups B, PP, A and E in combination and separately effectively stimulate male libido and regular attraction to the opposite sex.
Walnuts - friends of men's health
In nature, there are more than 30 types of different edible fruits in the shell, so first of all you need to find out which nuts are good for men for potency.
According to nutritionists, almost all nuts are useful for men's health. Therefore, answering the question that is relevant for men, "What nuts are good for potency? "You can confidently answer: choose those that you like the most and eat for health. The main thing is that they are eaten daily, and not occasionally.
To this end, constant access to the kernels should be provided, for example, put a special small vase with nuts near the computer and enjoy your favorite fruits every day. You can also sprinkle any salad, cottage cheese with chopped grains in the morning, or make a mixture of nuts with honey and apples. The main thing is that walnuts for potency in men should always be eaten fresh and raw, without heat treatment.
The most popular and affordable fruits.
The best and most common nuts for men's health in our area are walnuts. They are affordable and can be grown in your own garden. Walnut harvest occurs annually, their cultivation does not cause much trouble.
Walnut kernels rank first among their counterparts in terms of zinc content, they contain a large amount of various essential oils and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Walnut kernels can be eaten with sour cream or honey. It is recommended to eat at least 15-20 nuts a day.

Almond nuts are an equally popular and favorite type of nuts. The mild and pleasant flavor, as well as the high level of vegetable proteins and vitamins, have made almonds a common fruit in the kitchen and not only. The amino acids and trace elements contained in almonds contribute to the elasticity of blood vessels, which in turn improves male potency.
Since nuts affect the potency of men, nutritionists advise preparing a delicious and healthy almond drink in the morning. A high tone of power will help keep 1 glass of milk, a few teaspoons of honey, 5 crushed almonds, and if desired, 2-3 cardamom seeds can be added to the drink.
Pine nuts for potency in men, according to the northerners, are the most nutritious and healthy. And hazelnuts help treat congestive prostatitis and have a positive effect on the nervous system of a man.
No less useful is nutmeg - it is worth paying attention to men who suffer from premature ejaculation. Whole nutmeg should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with milk and chopped banana. This cocktail perfectly stimulates the central nervous system and increases reproductive function.
The cashew nut is a recognized aphrodisiac and dietary nut. It contains much less fat than other varieties. Cashew nuts are a nutritious and healthy representative of the nut, which effectively strengthens the immune system and prevents prostate diseases.
Many factors can weaken men's health, from age to constant stress and poor ecology. The main thing is not to succumb to a panicky mood, but to find out the cause of the loss of potency and return to your previous sexual form.
The most effective helpers of the strong half of humanity are crazy. The use of these fruits should become a useful and regular habit for every adult man. Which nuts are useful for potency, which ones will help relieve mental and mental stress, and which ones are contraindicated for certain ailments, your doctor can help you figure out.
It should also be remembered that potency cannot be improved only with the help of walnut fruits. It is influenced by other factors: it is necessary to give up addictions, exercise regularly and monitor nutrition. Only in this way can each man improve his potency.