The potency of a man is a rather fragile system that is sensitive to any negative external influences. A decrease in potency can also be a consequence of age-related changes, diseases of internal organs, sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory processes. In any case, only after consulting a doctor can you find out the exact cause of sexual disorders and eliminate the problems.
Today, there are many quick methods to quickly increase and stimulate potency at home without the intervention of a doctor. You can resort to help from him if a man has not begun to have problems, and you are also sure that there are no serious diseases, then they could decrease the potency of him. In most cases it will be enough to adjust the diet, lifestyle and eradicate bad habits.
proper nutrition
The first thing you need to start increasing potency is to adjust your diet. It's no secret that all internal organs and systems of the human body fully function only if they are saturated with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, valuable minerals and substances found in food. It is important for a man to eat a balanced diet to replenish the resources of the reproductive system.
There are also certain foods - aphrodisiacs that stimulate sexual functions, increase potency and libido. These include:
- all shellfish;
- vegetables - dill, parsley, celery;
- turnip.
for reference!Parsley contains a special substance for the suppression of female hormones in the body of a man - apigenin. Because of this, doctors strongly recommend that all men eat parsley daily, even for the purpose of preventing impotence.
In addition, a man's daily menu should consist mainly of protein foods, since proteins are necessary for building muscle mass, as well as for improving the quality of the seed. Protein is rich in meat products, eggs, liver, fish and dairy products. It is worth abandoning foods that contain a large number of allergens.
The leaders among aphrodisiac products are flounder and oysters, they contain rare and very important amino acids, as well as a large amount of zinc for the production of testosterone. You can also eat shellfish, mainly in the spring when your body produces more zinc. And if you eat raw oysters, it will have the greatest and fastest effect on potency.
In addition, two types of fish - mackerel and flounder - have a large amount of vitamins and "male" substances. These substances are primarily involved in the synthesis and production of testosterone, which improves the quality of reproductive function. Also, seed production is affected by proteins and trace elements in the composition of such fish. It is advisable to eat baked or boiled fish.
Answers to questions about how to quickly increase potency at home without the use of powerful drugs, as well as how to prevent problems with potency, can be found in the sports industry. It is physical activity that guarantees male endurance, excellent potency and erection, and good health in general. The pubococcygeus muscle, which needs training, is the main responsible for the erection.
for reference!To increase the effectiveness of training to stimulate potency, you can combine classes with proper nutrition, as well as non-traditional methods of strengthening sexual functions.
You can quickly increase power if you do the following exercises daily:
- Rotation of the hip joints clockwise 12 times and the same number counterclockwise.
- Having taken a standing position, a man needs to raise the knee joint as high as possible to the level of the abdomen, and so 15 times with each leg.
- Having taken a standing position, he needs to sit down a little, while bending his knees. During the exercise, the gluteal muscles must be tightened to a greater extent, the number of repetitions is 15 times.
- The man takes a supine position of the body, bends the knees, and then raises and lowers the hip joints up to 25 times in one session.
- Bicycle exercise, which should be done daily for 1. 5 minutes.
- At the end of training, a man needs to strain the pubococcygeus muscle as much as possible in 2 minutes.
Such a simple set of physical exercises will help increase power if it is performed 2-3 times a day for 5 weeks. In addition, training is not only a method of rapid increase in potency at home, but also an excellent prevention of sexual disorders.
Home remedies
You can increase sexual activity, stamina and potency with the help of elementary traditional medicine, if you follow the recommendations and recipes of home therapy.
The following recipes are distinguished:
- Turnip. On a fine grater, you need to grate carrots and turnips, combine the vegetables in the ratio of 2 parts of turnips and 1 part of carrots, after which a tablespoon of honey is added to them. The resulting mixture should be taken daily for 2 teaspoons. in the morning and before going to bed. The mixture perfectly helps to increase libido and potency, so it can be taken quickly before the act.
- Garlic. To stimulate potency, you need to take 5 cloves of vegetables, finely chop them and pour a liter of water, then insist for a week, constantly shaking the container. Take 50 ml of tincture daily up to 3 times a day to improve blood flow and erectile function.
- walnuts. To prepare such a remedy, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts, then dilute the nuts with 100 grams of honey. Take the mixture every morning on an empty stomach to enhance testosterone synthesis and strengthen the immune system.
- ginseng tincture. Such a remedy is sold in any pharmacy department, you need to drink the tincture 4 times a day, 20 drops shortly before meals.
- nettle tincture. Another pharmaceutical version of traditional medicine, the tincture should be taken 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon. For self-brewing in 450 ml, you need to dissolve 200 grams of chopped herbs, and then insist everything for 3 days.
In addition, thyme herb will be useful for male potency, which can be added to tea in small quantities, and can also be brewed separately in 0. 5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons. yoherbsTake a decoction of thyme twice a day for 10 grams. Also, popular therapy for male potency and erection involves the use of leeches, the use of ginger and parsnips.
Medicines and homeopathy
You can also increase the sexual performance of men at home with the help of certain medications. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist.