Relatively recently, ginger root entered our lives and quickly took a strong position in many kitchens. Its pleasant flavor and aroma add a spicy touch to many dishes. In addition, this plant belongs to the group of powerful aphrodisiacs. It is used as a medicine and as a seasoning for dishes. Ginger has been proven to increase sexual desire and have a positive effect on male potency.
To increase potency, the root of the plant is used, which has a rich chemical composition. These are different groups of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, potassium and iron.
Ginger root has proven effective in restoring strength, cleansing the body of toxins, lowering cholesterol, normalizing blood pressure, and improving memory and brain activity in general.
How does the root act on potency?
Even in ancient times, the beneficial effect that ginger root has on men's health was noted. If we translate the name of the plant from Chinese, we get "courage". The main component contained in ginger root, gingerol, promotes vasodilation. This effect promotes a rush of blood to the sexual organ and consequently has a beneficial effect on potency.
The same effect helps to normalize the state of blood vessels and is a good prevention of various male diseases, including prostate dysfunction. The root is eaten as a condiment and is also made into vodka tinctures or added to tea. The plant will benefit not only as a means of increasing potency, but also as a prevention and treatment for colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, severe coughs, and general loss of strength.
How to use ginger?
Since ancient times, in order to enjoy ginger root throughout the year, it has been dried. The dried root, ground into a powder, was eaten to boost immunity. Over time, people noticed that the potency of men who ate ginger regularly not only returned to normal, but also improved. Therefore, the first recipe appeared - the use of a teaspoon of dry ginger root powder on an empty stomach. Later, when other miraculous properties began to emerge, more and more recipes emerged.
It has been observed that in combination with alcohol it increases the effect of ginger root, since alcohol speeds up the blood throughout the body. Then ginger root tinctures in vodka began to appear to increase sexual desire.
- Recipe 1.The preparation of vodka tincture is simple: you need to take four hundred grams of grated ginger root, pour half a liter of vodka, insist for three weeks, and then pass it through a dense layer of gauze. The resulting drink is taken on an empty stomach at a rate of thirty grams daily.
- Recipe 2.There is a proven recipe that will not only increase attraction, but also help with colds. To do this, three hundred grams of dried root and a large lemon with skin are crushed, preferably in a meat grinder, mixed and a few tablespoons of honey are added to the mixture. The mixture must stand for a day, after which it can be used. To increase potency, twenty grams are taken, if necessary. This tincture is suitable not only for men, but also for women. Against a cold, this mixture can be used by people, regardless of age.
- Recipe 3.In addition to various tinctures, ginger has excellent pickling qualities. It is widely used in Japanese cuisine. In Japan, every man eats daily dishes with pickled ginger root, because they are well aware of its effect on potency.
It is easy to prepare. The root is cut into thin slices and mixed with salt. In this form, the root should marinate for about an hour. Meanwhile, mix one and a half cups of vinegar and one cup of sugar and bring to a boil. The resulting mixture must be poured over the root and allowed to stand for a day. It is believed that two or three meals a day are enough to increase potency.
Seasonings for dishes from dried roots will be a great addition to the evening, they will disperse the blood and put you in a romantic mood. It goes well with various foods, especially meat, and has a beneficial effect on male and female health and sexual desire.
Who should not drink tincture?
There are few contraindications to the use of ginger, infused with vodka or prepared according to another recipe. But they should be considered before trying such a remedy.
These include:
- stomach or duodenal ulcer;
- kidney stones;
- inflammation accompanied by fever;
- hypertension;
- allergy
It should also be understood that to increase the attraction to serious diseases, ginger root will not be a panacea. Some diseases require serious medical treatment.